What are skin Tags? They can be defined as portions of skin of reduced dimensions that hang in the exterior of the tissue. Basically, skin tags can appear anywhere on the surface of the body, and they generally occur in the areas that are frequently exposed to friction, like the axillae, the neck, the breasts, and even the eyelids.
Most of the skin tags are not diagnosed as being cancerous. Basically, skin tags are inoffensive skin tumors that do not represent a danger, if they are not rubbed powerfully, or scratched. However, if you feel any pressure in the area, you are probably dealing with a very large tag. Also, you should know that these formations are usually made of nuclei of fiber, nerve cells, fat cells, or epidermis. Skin tags appear more often at people who have issues with their weight, or who have this problem running in their family.
However, the cause of these skin tags usually remains unknown. Similarly, pregnant women are more likely to develop skin tags, as well as the persons who suffer from diabetes. Dermatologists have revealed that skin tags equally affect both men and women. Some people may not even get to notice a skin tag, as it can fall off painlessly after a short period of time. However, these cases are seldom, most of the skin tags becoming rather annoying. Similarly, you should know that tags feature different aspects, and they can be irregular, or smooth.
As far as the color is concerned, they can be either brown, or neutral. Furthermore, most times tags are tiny and flat, and they feature a diameter of approximately 1 cm, and only rarely that have as much as 5 cm. Skin tags are the consequence of skin friction, thus they are situated in areas where the skin folds. Skin tags tend to appear later in life, and all the people have equal chances of presenting them. Currently, the dermatologists agree that these are formations of collages, and blood vessels that are gathered under the skin.
And, all the specialists claim that skin tags are a consequence of skin friction. There are some risk factors which can make a person more predisposed to a condition than other people. For instance, obesity is one of the main risk factors. Tags are generally found at overweight, and obese, individuals. Moreover, tags can appear at pregnant women because they are going through numerous hormonal changes. People who suffer from diabetes can develop tags too, but those who intake illegal steroids have the highest risk of presenting this condition. You probably already now that steroids cause the collagen fibers to merge, increasing the risk of tags. The National Institute of Health of the U.S.A has revealed that 46% of the population is dealing with skin tags.
Similarly, they have shown that the individuals, who are suffering from this condition, are more likely to present this ailment again, and again, in time. And, skin tags are sometimes connected with diseases like the Polycystic ovary syndrome, or the Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome. Finally, skin tags feature numerous titles, like papilloma coli, acrochordon, cutaneous tag, fibroma, molluscum, fibroma pendulum, and many others.
Most of the skin tags are not diagnosed as being cancerous. Basically, skin tags are inoffensive skin tumors that do not represent a danger, if they are not rubbed powerfully, or scratched. However, if you feel any pressure in the area, you are probably dealing with a very large tag. Also, you should know that these formations are usually made of nuclei of fiber, nerve cells, fat cells, or epidermis. Skin tags appear more often at people who have issues with their weight, or who have this problem running in their family.
However, the cause of these skin tags usually remains unknown. Similarly, pregnant women are more likely to develop skin tags, as well as the persons who suffer from diabetes. Dermatologists have revealed that skin tags equally affect both men and women. Some people may not even get to notice a skin tag, as it can fall off painlessly after a short period of time. However, these cases are seldom, most of the skin tags becoming rather annoying. Similarly, you should know that tags feature different aspects, and they can be irregular, or smooth.
As far as the color is concerned, they can be either brown, or neutral. Furthermore, most times tags are tiny and flat, and they feature a diameter of approximately 1 cm, and only rarely that have as much as 5 cm. Skin tags are the consequence of skin friction, thus they are situated in areas where the skin folds. Skin tags tend to appear later in life, and all the people have equal chances of presenting them. Currently, the dermatologists agree that these are formations of collages, and blood vessels that are gathered under the skin.
And, all the specialists claim that skin tags are a consequence of skin friction. There are some risk factors which can make a person more predisposed to a condition than other people. For instance, obesity is one of the main risk factors. Tags are generally found at overweight, and obese, individuals. Moreover, tags can appear at pregnant women because they are going through numerous hormonal changes. People who suffer from diabetes can develop tags too, but those who intake illegal steroids have the highest risk of presenting this condition. You probably already now that steroids cause the collagen fibers to merge, increasing the risk of tags. The National Institute of Health of the U.S.A has revealed that 46% of the population is dealing with skin tags.
Similarly, they have shown that the individuals, who are suffering from this condition, are more likely to present this ailment again, and again, in time. And, skin tags are sometimes connected with diseases like the Polycystic ovary syndrome, or the Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome. Finally, skin tags feature numerous titles, like papilloma coli, acrochordon, cutaneous tag, fibroma, molluscum, fibroma pendulum, and many others.
About the Author:
To learn more regarding skin tag remover. Stop by http://www.removeskintags.comTo study a lot more pertaining to skin tag removal. Visit http://www.removeskintags.com/testimonial.htm
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