Violet Gifts for my Mom, which my kids made. So cute!

The garden tea that cured my daughter's headcold last week: Lemon Balm, Mint, Hyssop, Ground Ivy, Yarrow, Tarragon, Echinacea, Violet, Monarda and sage. YUM.

The never before seen phenom: Conjoined twin Dandelion flowers! Two flowers, one bract. Amazing discovery by my eight year old son.

My Mama Day gifts :) A luscious creamy smoothie with whipped cream, and inside the little wrapper was a crocheted bracelet and necklace set in shimmery magenta soy yarn. I Love my kids!

An unfurling Tall Meadow Rue (
Thalictrum Polygamum, Ranunculaceae family). Anyone use this beauty for medicine yet? It might be my next forgotten herb ally. There is a lot of it here, and I just adore it's colombine-like presence and sometimes invisibility trick.

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