Is that auspicious? Or just a reminder that we live in the woods:)
It's June outside
My beautiful new hyssop - I love how the flowers look like a Salvia. And they taste out of this world, like honey sweet minty hyssop. One of my favorite herbal honeys is Hyssop honey. mmm. I hope this new spp. triples next year.
They honeysuckle vine is drenching the path in perfume. At high noon you might catch me pacing back and forth to indulge in the succession of notes.
The yellowest bee I've ever seen! Oh, and the pretty chives.
The profusion of Roses has begun. Laced by the red clover, silver artemisia, and various herbs in green variations, my wild garden is looking better each year. Despite the fact that I hardly tame it :)
This weeks rescue, two little birds who knocked themselves into shock by flying full speed into the picture window. The kids ran top speed outside to ensure they didn't become our cat's dinner. They held them safe until they came to and flew off. So sweet!
And .... without a photo, I'll tell you that we have a family of what we think is coyote. Perhaps it's a silver fox, we're not sure, since I can't seem to find online audio, but the pups keep me up with their strange 'bark' from about 1am to 2am. My son identified the scat at the edge of the yard, noting the fur and 'tail' of it.
Is that auspicious? Or just a reminder that we live in the woods:)
Is that auspicious? Or just a reminder that we live in the woods:)
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