What sheer delight .... my beautiful two year old Elder (Sambucus Canadensis) returned with good and healthy folage this spring. last year she was devoured within days by a monstrous super-worm who webbed, nested on, and then ate the entire plant leaving but a skeleton. I didn't know if she would make it, or what to do. So you can imagine my double delight when I spotted, at my feet, a baby! Oh joy! I can't wait for flowers ... and dare I wish for berries?

I suppose the newborn Elder makes up for my S. Nigra not returning :(. I was told it was just as hearty. There were no pests on that one, oddly enough.
Below, is a beautiful display of new coming out of old. I often read instructions to cut back my woody plants before winter; Sage, Lavender, and Rosemary. Well the latter dies no matter what I do, but thee Sage and Lavender grow directly out of the remaining stem. They have unanimously died each time in the past where I cut them back. This Sage even over wintered in a pot on my deck amazingly enough, especially for a first year plant. I love her perfect illustration of renewal.

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