Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Psychological motives of code switching.

Abstract: Code switching is an important research topic in a selection of academic fields including sociology,
psychology and linguistics. Generally speaking, code switching, a common phenomenon in language contact,
permeates bilingual and multilingual society. It refers to circumstances in which a speaker uses two or more thantwo languages. This paper is intended to present an overall review of studies on code switching, focusing on motive. Code switching combines the social situation with the linguistic situation, in contrast to the different
cultures in the speaker’s cognitive structure. It has social functions that can change the social situation, which in turn sets up a new one.
In conversation, code switching also reflects the speaker’s psychological state and his/her
attitude towards a certain language or languages. This paper will focus on the analysis of socio-psychological
factors which exert strong influences upon code switching.
Key words: code switching; sociolinguistic; psychological motive
1. Introduction
Code switching is a communicative strategy and a change of communicative style. Code switching is a
communicative strategy by itself. That is to say, a speaker in communication carries out the strategic switching of
two or more languages or variants so as to realize his or her own communicative objective. Code switching is
regarded as a concrete communicative strategy, it shows that language choice is closely connected with the overall
context to some extent. In context, the communicator expects to use code switching to realize his or her specific
communicative objective. The research application of code switching is as a natural language phenomenon that
provides materials for language theory study and research.
2. Reasons
As shown by Crystal (1987), there are a number of possible reasons for the switching from one language to
another. The first reason is the notion that a speaker can not express herself or himself in one language, so he/she
switches to another language to compensate for the deficiency. As a result, the speaker may be stimulated into
speaking in other languages for a while. This type of code switching tends to occur when the speaker is upset,
tired or distracted to some extent. Secondly, switching commonly occurs when an individual wishes to express
solidarity with a particular social group. Rapport is established between the speaker and the listener when the
listener responds with a similar switching. This type of code switching may also be used to exclude others who do
not speak the second language from a conversation. For example, a conversation between two persons in an
elevator communicating in a language other than English, we exclude others from the conversation. For the
speakers of the different language, a degree of comfort would exist between those who have knowledge of the...............
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