So this morning there were three that I could see right in our trees. The biggest of the woodpeckers, and striking in looks - looks exactly like Woody Woodpecker from the cartoon. Two of them a team, sibling or a couple, were foraging tree trunks for goodies. They do quite literally a spiral dance. In perfect unison, they spiral at a mild angle upwards, using a sapsucker-signature sidestep move. Alternating with the sidestep is a side flap, where they fly in this tandem fashion just one upward loop of their spiral, decorating it with their whooping call, before clawing again. It's one of the coolest bird things to witness.
So the morning was blessed with this great event, and I managed to sneak outside with my camera and steal a photo. Not a great one, but with this creature who is very shy and also fast - it's a real win.
Below, you can see my new experiment. I've inserted several branches of cut pussy willows into a part-shade, fairly moist area behind the house. Rumor has it that willows root and grow if you do this, so we shall see if it works. The smell is so great, that birchy smell from the salicylin.
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