I'm sure depending on my perspective, this answer could change. But at the moment, I'll say that kitchen mischief's best companion is arguably this:
really satisfying music.
And that is hard to find - if your not dedicated to spending time in the Border's isles or reading reviews, etc. You are at the mercy of what you come across. Or in my case, stumble upon.
It began by reading her blog, albeit with with one eye shut. Just like Dr. Seuss' cat - I would read it and my head would burn and nearly smoulder.... my shut eye tightened and my open eye widened. I would read half a blog post, close it and read the rest later..... taking me on a multi-day swing. "Why?" you ask?
Well, her writing is exactly what I wanted to hear - yet packaged in a truthful, lovingly bossy kind of way; a way that makes you keep coming back for more once you accept that you're ready to welcome in joy and start looking more honestly at your own ways. It's an exercise in what I've now decided to be my - uh - two - words of my year:
Truth, and Possibility.
Christine Kane has a magic wand..... one that's like a needle sewing real life beauty into readable, hearable, wearable, BEable prose, and I'm finding that it suits my taste perfectly. And did I mention a magic voice? Velvety, womanly yet simple and playful, almost a mix of Erica Wheeler and Shawn Colvin, but with a decided uniqueness all her own.
I'm filling my kitchen with her sounds that lift my spirit, remind me of my loveliness, our oneness, and life's mysterious ways. My Oatstraw and Sassafras are quite enjoying it. Go ahead - buy her CD or pull her up on Rhapsody. You'll be happy you did!
Thanks Christine for just doing what you do, and then sharing it.
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