Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stay Motivated With These Jogging Tips

By Bob Steele

Jogging, one of the simplest exercises, can be done almost anywhere and requires no special equipment. This is one of the most effective calorie burning exercises and offers many health benefits. Here are some tips to get you started or to help you get more out of your jogging routine.

Finding a partner or a group to run with in one of the best ways to stay motivated. While there's nothing wrong with running alone, having a partner can be a great source of motivation. When you run with someone, you are less likely to quit too soon. Be careful to not let conversation distract you, but it can be more enjoyable to talk to someone while you jog. It might be better to focus on jogging and talk after you're done. Running with a partner or group can be a great way to keep the activity interesting for you.

One of the best ways to start off with running or jogging is to begin by power walking. You may want to talk to your doctor first, but if you're cleared to exercise, then walking is a terrific method to get your body used to the idea of exercise and using your legs a lot. You can begin with the smallest steps you want, and then just proceed at your own comfortable pace. When the time is right, then just simply begin jogging slowly, and go according to your pace and feeling. That kind of approach is safe and natural, and all along your body knows what's going on, too. There are people all over who actually stick with power walking because it just works better for them, and actually power walking is an excellent exercise, as well. Power walking should be done by everyone new to the sport because it really is a very safe way to get your body used to running.

You are probably running to improve your health, and also maybe to lose weight. If you want to get the maximum benefits from your jogging, you must keep an eye on the calories you consume. Eating well will not only help you to lose weight faster, it will give you more energy when you run. Foods that are bad for you, like cakes and cookies, often make you feel tired. By cutting back on your calories, and avoiding too many sweets and junk foods, you are giving your body better fuel that it needs to exercise. You will feel fit and you'll actually lose weight, too.

It really depends on how far you jog because it's not always necessary to drink water while you're jogging if it's really not that far - but hydrate before hand. If you are going to be jogging in the morning, which is the best time if you can manage it, don't eat breakfast until some time after you run. No confusion about the best thing to drink for hydration - simple water, nothing more or less. Never drink a gallon of water and start running - you'll get sick. It's a good idea to carry a bottle of water with you when jogging so you can take sips when you need to. Only drink good clean water after you're done punishing yourself and avoid anything colored. Proper hydration can prevent all kinds of problems, especially when it's baking hot outside. So if you want to get back in shape, use the tips we just read about and keep up your motivation until you reach your ultimate goals. Just keep in mind that you always need to keep running as part of your normal routine if you hope to get the most out of it. That's why you must keep your wits and your senses about you when you are running so that you can avoid many of the problems that cause most joggers to give up.

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