Friday, July 12, 2013

Weight Loss For A Healthier Life

By Daniel Dawson

Obesity has been a pandemic in the USA for quite a while. The statistics are startling if not downright horrifying; as of 2012 around 29 percent of Americans were considered overweight. In the UK, the story is pretty much the same with the percentage of obese people having doubled over the past two and a half decades.

There is a ray of hope, however, as millions of people in the country and across the world, have decided to take the bull by the horns so to speak. Just take a stroll one day and you will see them; these are the regular people who wake up early every day to run or go to the gym. You will clearly see the determination written all over their faces as they conquer the tarmac one step at a time or lifting weights. It can be quite inspiring for those who may still be pondering on how to deal with their own situations.

The weight loss quest is very noble and the reasons for taking it up are as different as the people who are joining the movement. For some, losing weight may be viewed as a way to become aesthetically more beautiful. That is, their primary goal for losing weight is to look better. This mindset has been motivational for many people for years. Individuals may have been the victim or ridicule for most of their lives due to the weight problem. Examples include the teen girl who believes her weight makes her unpopular with the in group at school; the single mother who feels the only way she can be attractive is by shedding a few pounds or the high school male who suffers bullying at school due to the weight condition.

Television and the internet have also played a very big part in convincing people that the only way to be successful in life or liked by everyone is if they are lean and toned. Obviously, losing excessive weight is very beneficial, but the aforementioned approach is probably not the best one to use and the good news is that more and more people are realizing this.

For many today, the reason to attempt to kill the bulge is primarily due to the health benefits such weight loss can bring. These people have realized that the extra pounds endanger their lives and thus changes must be made. This is occurring more often than ever before as more individuals are learning more about the dangers associated with the extra pounds. Today, the average individual understands the increase in the risk of heart problems due to being overweight. Most also know that the extra weight can lead to health conditions including diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure when they do not take the care to follow a healthier lifestyle.

A major distinction between those trying to lose weight solely for aesthetic purposes and those wanting to improve their health is that the latter group tends to have more consistency and patience. Eating well is a good example. This is due to the fact that they realize that weight loss does not occur instantly, but is a lengthy process. These individuals typically stick with it until the end and value the apparently small strides that they make over time. Such people are also far less likely to adopt radical diets in an effort to affect radical changes, as they comprehend that the weight-loss journey is just as essential as the final destination.

This trend has really been picking up over the years with millions shunning unhealthy living. More focus is now on adopting a healthy diet, as opposed to starving oneself in the name of burning calories. Undoubtedly, this is very encouraging because it shows that people are returning to sanity as far as their personal health is concerned.

Much as magazines, movies and other productions are still quite influential with regard to the issue of personal image, more people are now wiser. The will to succeed is even stronger in people who have had an up close experience with the dangers of being overweight. Some may have lost loved ones because of the various associated conditions while others may have been victims themselves.

Fortunately, it is never too late and you can change your own destiny for the better. It will require some motivation, will power and focus. Never take your own healthy lifestyle for granted; safeguard it at all costs.

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